What this process looks like, and other frequently asked questions

Initial consultation



What are you looking for?

CPG director, Michelle, will reach out to ask a few questions to help find the best therapist for you.


Personalized suggestions.

We’ll share who from our team is the best fit for your needs and preferences.


Setting up your intake.

CPG team member will reach out to schedule an intake session to start your therapeutic relationship.

"I was terrified to reach out for therapy, but CPG made it easy and I felt comfortable from the start. Once I was assigned to a therapist it felt natural and meant to be."



What is a therapy session like?

Therapy looks different for everyone, and CPG works hard to accommodate the type of session you want. Some clients enjoy interaction from their therapist, asking questions and conversing. Some clients like to process their feelings and experiences with a reflective quieter clinician. Some clients want to talk openly about their week, a funny thing they saw on TV, or play a game to ease into more difficult conversation. Some clients want direct, succinct treatment with a specific goal in mind. Then there are the clients who aren’t sure what they are looking for; if that’s you, not to worry, CPG clinicians will help you navigate the type of therapy that works best for you.

Why telehealth and is it secure?

At CPG, we use a HIPPA secure platform, and all our clinicians virtually meet with clients from private areas. We love having this option for treatment as it takes away many hurdles for in-person therapy such as physically getting the office, finding childcare, and for some people they find it calming to be in the comfort of their own home.

Can I use my insurance?

Yes! At this time we accept BCBS, Allways, Harvard Pilgrim, United, and Cigna. At CPG, we believe the best care provided is safe, confidential, and fits the clients needs. When using a third party, like insurance, there are certain areas like diagnosis or progress notes that will be shared. Therefore if you choose to pay privetly you will recieve the same care, however we will not bill the third party (insurance company).

Let us help you find care that's right for you.